Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Red Define Beauty And Rage.

When I first saw Red back in 2007, I'd never seen them before, listened to their music, or knew anything about them at all really. They were an opener for a festival featuring Skillet as the headliner. As it turned out they ended up being one of, if not my favorite act to take the stage that day. Since that time I have tried not to let a Red show pass me by. These guys are flat out awesome, full of intensity and emotion when they perform. The alternative/christian rock band from Nashville, Tennessee has yet to fail to blow me away during a performance.

Originally formed in 2004, Red is a pleasing blend of fast and slow tempo songs, accompanied by a very well done mix of singing and screaming. The band has a great stage presence and are very active when performing. Singer Michael Barnes is a flurry of jumps, epic poses, and intense faces, all of which continue to keep the crowd energy high throughout the entirety of the set. Twin brothers Anthony (rhythm guitar) and Randy (bass) Armstrong flank Barnes as he performs. The brothers do their part keeping up the intensity level, providing backup vocal and spinning their guitars around there bodies in unison while catching them in sync before hitting the next cord. Although on this club tour there were no pyrotechnics or overly elaborate stage setups, which is the norm for Red in larger venue settings, they still managed a very unique stage setup that was both interesting and visually appealing. The setup gave an eerie feel like that of a grave yard, with a large tree, hanging vines, a thick fog that blanketed the stage floor, and an ominous figure donning a robe and mask, recreating the figure from the cover of the bands most recent album "Of Beauty and Rage."

The set was performed to perfection for the intimate crowd and sent the group home happy. Red is fresh off a tour with up and coming band Islander and are set to hit the road with Adelitas Way begining in late May, running through the majority of the month of June. Red is a great time and one that is not to be missed!

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